Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hello to whoever is watching, its been awhile. School came along which pushed back my writing, i just finished chapter one last night and since its a callab its going to move along a little slower than if i was writing it all on my own, my bf has been working on chapter two which introduces his character and we are going to write the prologue together. On another note, I wrote some more short stories and back stories for introducing characters, i may share them with you tom a long with some character sketches and some paintings, All of the main characters for the story.

Im also proud to say ive got myself back into reading, probably one of the most amazing series ive ever read and who is probably now my fave author besides Stephen King. Its called The Demonatta by Darren Shan and im on the 4th book. Its about demons that come from their demon universe which is a reality unlike any other,  anything can happen as long as magic is involved. Latterly...ANYTHING. You really have to check it out, especially if your a horror fan.

Now, before I end this for the night...i am considering something very challenging i have never done before. Participate in NaNoWriMo!!!  YEP!! Im gonna do it!! And continue my series that ive been working on.

Anyways, take care! Ill update you all again tom :)